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Registered Port Numbers 自動更新版( 10500 - 49151 )

月に一度 IANA の DB からデータを取得し、自動生成した TCP/UDP ポート番号一覧です
(データ取得日時 : 2024年9月1日 10:35:46 / JST)

プロトコル 番号 ディスクリプション
tcp 10500 Reserved
udp 10500 HIP NAT-Traversal
10501-10539 Unassigned
tcp 10540 MOS Media Object Metadata Port
udp 10540 MOS Media Object Metadata Port
tcp 10541 MOS Running Order Port
udp 10541 MOS Running Order Port
tcp 10542 MOS Low Priority Port
udp 10542 MOS Low Priority Port
tcp 10543 MOS SOAP Default Port
udp 10543 MOS SOAP Default Port
tcp 10544 MOS SOAP Optional Port
udp 10544 MOS SOAP Optional Port
10545-10547 Unassigned
tcp 10548 Apple Document Sharing Service
udp 10548 Reserved
10549-10630 Unassigned
tcp 10631 Printopia Serve
udp 10631 Reserved
10632-10799 Unassigned
tcp 10800 Gestor de Acaparamiento para Pocket PCs
udp 10800 Gestor de Acaparamiento para Pocket PCs
10801-10804 Unassigned
tcp 10805 LUCIA Pareja Data Group
udp 10805 LUCIA Pareja Data Group
10806-10808 Unassigned
tcp 10809 Network Block Device
udp 10809 Reserved
tcp 10810 Reserved
udp 10810 Nuance Mobile Care Discovery
10811-10859 Unassigned
tcp 10860 Helix Client/Server
udp 10860 Helix Client/Server
10861-10879 Unassigned
tcp 10880 BVEssentials HTTP API
udp 10880 BVEssentials HTTP API
10881-10932 Unassigned
tcp 10933 Listen port used by the Octopus Deploy Tentacle deployment agent
udp 10933 Reserved
10934-10989 Unassigned
tcp 10990 Auxiliary RMI Port
udp 10990 Auxiliary RMI Port
10991-10999 Unassigned
tcp 11000 IRISA
udp 11000 IRISA
tcp 11001 Metasys
udp 11001 Metasys
11002-11094 Unassigned
tcp 11095 Nest device-to-device and device-to-service application protocol
udp 11095 Nest device-to-device and device-to-service application protocol
11096-11102 Unassigned
tcp 11103 OrigoDB Server Sync Interface
udp 11103 Reserved
tcp 11104 NetApp Intercluster Management
udp 11104 Reserved
tcp 11105 NetApp Intercluster Data
udp 11105 Reserved
tcp 11106 SGI LK Licensing service
udp 11106 SGI LK Licensing service
11107 Unassigned
udp 11108 Hardware Terminals Discovery and Low-Level Communication Protocol
tcp 11108 Reserved
tcp 11109 Data migration facility Manager (DMF) is a browser based interface to DMF
udp 11109 Reserved
tcp 11110 Data migration facility (DMF) SOAP is a web server protocol to support remote access to DMF
udp 11110 Reserved
tcp 11111 Viral Computing Environment (VCE)
udp 11111 Viral Computing Environment (VCE)
tcp 11112 DICOM
udp 11112 DICOM
11113-11160 Unassigned
tcp 11161 sun cacao snmp access point
udp 11161 sun cacao snmp access point
tcp 11162 sun cacao JMX-remoting access point
udp 11162 sun cacao JMX-remoting access point
tcp 11163 sun cacao rmi registry access point
udp 11163 sun cacao rmi registry access point
tcp 11164 sun cacao command-streaming access point
udp 11164 sun cacao command-streaming access point
tcp 11165 sun cacao web service access point
udp 11165 sun cacao web service access point
11166-11170 Unassigned
tcp 11171 Reserved
udp 11171 Surgical Notes Security Service Discovery (SNSS)
tcp 11172 OEM cacao JMX-remoting access point
udp 11172 Reserved
tcp 11173 Straton Runtime Programing
udp 11173 Reserved
tcp 11174 OEM cacao rmi registry access point
udp 11174 Reserved
tcp 11175 OEM cacao web service access point
udp 11175 Reserved
11176-11200 Unassigned
tcp 11201 smsqp
udp 11201 smsqp
tcp 11202 DCSL Network Backup Services
udp 11202 Reserved
11203-11207 Unassigned
tcp 11208 WiFree Service
udp 11208 WiFree Service
11209-11210 Unassigned
tcp 11211 Memory cache service
udp 11211 Memory cache service
11212-11234 Unassigned
tcp 11235 numerical systems messaging
udp 11235 Reserved
sctp 11235 numerical systems messaging
11236-11318 Unassigned
tcp 11319 IMIP
udp 11319 IMIP
tcp 11320 IMIP Channels Port
udp 11320 IMIP Channels Port
tcp 11321 Arena Server Listen
udp 11321 Arena Server Listen
11322-11366 Unassigned
tcp 11367 ATM UHAS
udp 11367 ATM UHAS
11368-11370 Unassigned
tcp 11371 OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver
udp 11371 OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver
11372-11429 Unassigned
udp 11430 Lenbrook Service Discovery Protocol
tcp 11430 Reserved
11431-11488 Unassigned
tcp 11489 ASG Cypress Secure Only
udp 11489 Reserved
11490-11599 Unassigned
tcp 11600 Tempest Protocol Port
udp 11600 Tempest Protocol Port
11601-11622 Unassigned
tcp 11623 EMC XtremSW distributed config
udp 11623 Reserved
11624-11719 Unassigned
tcp 11720 H.323 Call Control Signalling Alternate
udp 11720 H.323 Call Control Signalling Alternate
11721-11722 Unassigned
tcp 11723 EMC XtremSW distributed cache
udp 11723 EMC XtremSW distributed cache
11724-11750 Unassigned
tcp 11751 Intrepid SSL
udp 11751 Intrepid SSL
11752-11795 Unassigned
tcp 11796 LanSchool
udp 11796 Lanschool Multipoint
11797-11875 Unassigned
tcp 11876 X2E Xoraya Multichannel protocol
udp 11876 X2E Xoraya Multichannel protocol
tcp 11877 Reserved
udp 11877 X2E service discovery protocol
11878-11966 Unassigned
tcp 11967 SysInfo Service Protocol
udp 11967 SysInfo Service Protocol
11968-11970 Unassigned
tcp 11971 TiBS Service
udp 11971 Reserved
11972-11996 Unassigned
sctp 11997 WorldMailExpress
sctp 11998 WorldMailExpress
sctp 11999 WorldMailExpress
tcp 12000 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA XID Exchange
udp 12000 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA XID Exchange
tcp 12001 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Network Priority
udp 12001 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Network Priority
tcp 12002 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS High Priority
udp 12002 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS High Priority
tcp 12003 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Medium Priority
udp 12003 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Medium Priority
tcp 12004 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Low Priority
udp 12004 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Low Priority
tcp 12005 DBISAM Database Server - Regular
udp 12005 DBISAM Database Server - Regular
tcp 12006 DBISAM Database Server - Admin
udp 12006 DBISAM Database Server - Admin
tcp 12007 Accuracer Database System Server
udp 12007 Accuracer Database System Server
tcp 12008 Accuracer Database System Admin
udp 12008 Accuracer Database System Admin
tcp 12009 Reserved
udp 12009 Green Hills VPN
tcp 12010 ElevateDB Server
udp 12010 Reserved
12011 Unassigned
tcp 12012 Vipera Messaging Service
udp 12012 Vipera Messaging Service
tcp 12013 Vipera Messaging Service over SSL Communication
udp 12013 Vipera Messaging Service over SSL Communication
12014-12108 Unassigned
tcp 12109 RETS over SSL
udp 12109 RETS over SSL
12110-12120 Unassigned
tcp 12121 NuPaper Session Service
udp 12121 NuPaper Session Service
12122-12167 Unassigned
tcp 12168 CA Web Access Service
udp 12168 CA Web Access Service
12169-12171 Unassigned
tcp 12172 HiveP
udp 12172 HiveP
12173-12299 Unassigned
tcp 12300 LinoGrid Engine
udp 12300 LinoGrid Engine
12301 Unassigned
tcp 12302 Remote Administration Daemon (RAD) is a system service that offers secure, remote, programmatic access to Solaris system configuration and run-time state
udp 12302 Reserved
12303-12320 Unassigned
tcp 12321 Warehouse Monitoring Syst SSS
udp 12321 Warehouse Monitoring Syst SSS
tcp 12322 Warehouse Monitoring Syst
udp 12322 Warehouse Monitoring Syst
12323-12344 Unassigned
tcp 12345 Italk Chat System
udp 12345 Italk Chat System
12346-12545 Unassigned
tcp 12546 Carbonite Server Replication Control
udp 12546 Reserved
12547-12752 Unassigned
tcp 12753 tsaf port
udp 12753 tsaf port
12754-12864 Unassigned
tcp 12865 control port for the netperf benchmark
udp 12865 Reserved
12866-13159 Unassigned
tcp 13160 I-ZIPQD
udp 13160 I-ZIPQD
13161-13215 Unassigned
tcp 13216 Black Crow Software application logging
udp 13216 Black Crow Software application logging
tcp 13217 R&S Proxy Installation Assistant Service
udp 13217 R&S Proxy Installation Assistant Service
tcp 13218 EMC Virtual CAS Service
udp 13218 EMV Virtual CAS Service Discovery
13219-13222 Unassigned
tcp 13223 PowWow Client
udp 13223 PowWow Client
tcp 13224 PowWow Server
udp 13224 PowWow Server
13225-13399 Unassigned
tcp 13400 DoIP Data
udp 13400 DoIP Discovery
13401-13719 Unassigned
tcp 13720 BPRD Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup)
udp 13720 BPRD Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup)
tcp 13721 BPDBM Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup)
udp 13721 BPDBM Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup)
tcp 13722 BP Java MSVC Protocol
udp 13722 BP Java MSVC Protocol
13723 Unassigned
tcp 13724 Veritas Network Utility
udp 13724 Veritas Network Utility
13725-13781 Unassigned
tcp 13782 VERITAS NetBackup
udp 13782 VERITAS NetBackup
tcp 13783 VOPIED Protocol
udp 13783 VOPIED Protocol
13784 Unassigned
tcp 13785 NetBackup Database
udp 13785 NetBackup Database
tcp 13786 Veritas-nomdb
udp 13786 Veritas-nomdb
13787-13817 Unassigned
tcp 13818 DSMCC Config
udp 13818 DSMCC Config
tcp 13819 DSMCC Session Messages
udp 13819 DSMCC Session Messages
tcp 13820 DSMCC Pass-Thru Messages
udp 13820 DSMCC Pass-Thru Messages
tcp 13821 DSMCC Download Protocol
udp 13821 DSMCC Download Protocol
tcp 13822 DSMCC Channel Change Protocol
udp 13822 DSMCC Channel Change Protocol
tcp 13823 Blackmagic Design Streaming Server
udp 13823 Reserved
13824-13831 Unassigned
tcp 13832 Certificate Management and Issuing
udp 13832 Reserved
13833-13893 Unassigned
tcp 13894 Ultimate Control communication protocol
udp 13894 Ultimate Control communication protocol
13895-13928 Unassigned
tcp 13929 D-TA SYSTEMS
udp 13929 D-TA SYSTEMS
tcp 13930 MedEvolve Port Requester
udp 13930 Reserved
13931-13999 Unassigned
tcp 14000 SCOTTY High-Speed Filetransfer
udp 14000 SCOTTY High-Speed Filetransfer
tcp 14001 SUA
udp 14001 De-Registered
sctp 14001 SUA
udp 14002 Discovery of a SCOTTY hardware codec board
tcp 14002 Reserved
14003-14032 Unassigned
tcp 14033 sage Best! Config Server 1
udp 14033 sage Best! Config Server 1
tcp 14034 sage Best! Config Server 2
udp 14034 sage Best! Config Server 2
14035-14140 Unassigned
tcp 14141 VCS Application
udp 14141 VCS Application
tcp 14142 IceWall Cert Protocol
udp 14142 IceWall Cert Protocol
tcp 14143 IceWall Cert Protocol over TLS
udp 14143 Reserved
14144 Unassigned
tcp 14145 GCM Application
udp 14145 GCM Application
14146-14148 Unassigned
tcp 14149 Veritas Traffic Director
udp 14149 Veritas Traffic Director
tcp 14150 Veritas Cluster Server Command Server
udp 14150 Reserved
14151-14153 Unassigned
tcp 14154 Veritas Application Director
udp 14154 Veritas Application Director
14155-14249 Unassigned
tcp 14250 Fencing Server
udp 14250 Fencing Server
14251-14413 Unassigned
tcp 14414 CA eTrust Web Update Service
udp 14414 CA eTrust Web Update Service
14415-14499 Unassigned
tcp 14500 xpra network protocol
udp 14500 Reserved
14501-14935 Unassigned
tcp 14936 hde-lcesrvr-1
udp 14936 hde-lcesrvr-1
tcp 14937 hde-lcesrvr-2
udp 14937 hde-lcesrvr-2
14938-14999 Unassigned
tcp 15000 Hypack Data Aquisition
udp 15000 Hypack Data Aquisition
15001 Unassigned
tcp 15002 Open Network Environment TLS
udp 15002 Reserved
15003-15117 Unassigned
tcp 15118 Reserved
udp 15118 v2g Supply Equipment Communication Controller Discovery Protocol
15119-15344 Unassigned
tcp 15345 XPilot Contact Port
udp 15345 XPilot Contact Port
15346-15362 Unassigned
tcp 15363 3Link Negotiation
udp 15363 3Link Negotiation
15364-15554 Unassigned
tcp 15555 Cisco Stateful NAT
udp 15555 Cisco Stateful NAT
15556-15659 Unassigned
tcp 15660 Backup Express Restore Server
udp 15660 Backup Express Restore Server
15661-15739 Unassigned
tcp 15740 Picture Transfer Protocol
udp 15740 Picture Transfer Protocol
15741-15997 Unassigned
tcp 15998 Reserved
udp 15998 2ping Bi-Directional Ping Service
tcp 15999 ProGrammar Enterprise
udp 15999 Reserved
tcp 16000 Administration Server Access
udp 16000 Reserved
tcp 16001 Administration Server Connector
udp 16001 Reserved
tcp 16002 GoodSync Mediation Service
udp 16002 Reserved
tcp 16003 Reserved
udp 16003 Automation and Control by REGULACE.ORG
16004-16019 Unassigned
tcp 16020 Filemaker Java Web Publishing Core
udp 16020 Reserved
tcp 16021 Filemaker Java Web Publishing Core Binary
udp 16021 Reserved
16022-16160 Unassigned
tcp 16161 Solaris SEA Port
udp 16161 Solaris SEA Port
tcp 16162 Solaris Audit - secure remote audit log
udp 16162 Reserved
16163-16308 Unassigned
tcp 16309 etb4j
udp 16309 etb4j
tcp 16310 Policy Distribute, Update Notification
udp 16310 Policy Distribute, Update Notification
tcp 16311 Policy definition and update management
udp 16311 Policy definition and update management
16312-16359 Unassigned
tcp 16360 Network Serial Extension Ports One
udp 16360 Network Serial Extension Ports One
tcp 16361 Network Serial Extension Ports Two
udp 16361 Network Serial Extension Ports Two
16362-16366 Unassigned
tcp 16367 Network Serial Extension Ports Three
udp 16367 Network Serial Extension Ports Three
tcp 16368 Network Serial Extension Ports Four
udp 16368 Network Serial Extension Ports Four
16369-16383 Unassigned
tcp 16384 Connected Corp
udp 16384 Connected Corp
tcp 16385 Reliable Datagram Sockets
udp 16385 Reserved
16386-16618 Unassigned
tcp 16619 X509 Objects Management Service
udp 16619 Reserved
16620-16664 Unassigned
tcp 16665 Reliable multipath data transport for high latencies
udp 16665 Reserved
tcp 16666 Reserved
udp 16666 Vidder Tunnel Protocol
16667-16788 Unassigned
tcp 16789 This server provides callable services to mainframe External Security Managers from any TCP/IP platform
udp 16789 Reserved
16790-16899 Unassigned
tcp 16900 Newbay Mobile Client Update Service
udp 16900 Newbay Mobile Client Update Service
16901-16949 Unassigned
tcp 16950 Simple Generic Client Interface Protocol
udp 16950 Simple Generic Client Interface Protocol
16951-16990 Unassigned
tcp 16991 INTEL-RCI-MP
udp 16991 INTEL-RCI-MP
tcp 16992 Intel(R) AMT SOAP/HTTP
udp 16992 Intel(R) AMT SOAP/HTTP
tcp 16993 Intel(R) AMT SOAP/HTTPS
udp 16993 Intel(R) AMT SOAP/HTTPS
tcp 16994 Intel(R) AMT Redirection/TCP
udp 16994 Intel(R) AMT Redirection/TCP
tcp 16995 Intel(R) AMT Redirection/TLS
udp 16995 Intel(R) AMT Redirection/TLS
16996-17006 Unassigned
tcp 17007
udp 17007
17008-17009 Unassigned
tcp 17010 Plan 9 cpu port
udp 17010 Reserved
17011-17183 Unassigned
tcp 17184 Vestas Data Layer Protocol
udp 17184 Reserved
tcp 17185 Sounds Virtual
udp 17185 Sounds Virtual
17186-17218 Unassigned
tcp 17219 Chipper
udp 17219 Chipper
tcp 17220 IEEE 1722 Transport Protocol for Time Sensitive Applications
udp 17220 IEEE 1722 Transport Protocol for Time Sensitive Applications
tcp 17221 IEEE 1722.1 AVB Discovery, Enumeration, Connection management, and Control
udp 17221 IEEE 1722.1 AVB Discovery, Enumeration, Connection management, and Control
tcp 17222 Reserved
udp 17222 Control Plane Synchronization Protocol (SPSP)
tcp 17223 ISA100 GCI is a service utilizing a common interface between an ISA100 Wireless gateway and a client application
udp 17223 Reserved
udp 17224 Train Realtime Data Protocol (TRDP) Process Data
tcp 17224 Reserved
tcp 17225 Train Realtime Data Protocol (TRDP) Message Data
udp 17225 Train Realtime Data Protocol (TRDP) Message Data
17226-17233 Unassigned
tcp 17234 Integrius Secure Tunnel Protocol
udp 17234 Integrius Secure Tunnel Protocol
tcp 17235 SSH Tectia Manager
udp 17235 SSH Tectia Manager
17236-17499 Unassigned
tcp 17500 Dropbox LanSync Protocol
udp 17500 Dropbox LanSync Discovery
17501-17554 Unassigned
tcp 17555 Ailith management of routers
udp 17555 Reserved
17556-17728 Unassigned
tcp 17729 Eclipse Aviation
udp 17729 Eclipse Aviation
17730-17753 Unassigned
tcp 17754 Encap. ZigBee Packets
udp 17754 Encap. ZigBee Packets
tcp 17755 ZigBee IP Transport Service
udp 17755 ZigBee IP Transport Service
tcp 17756 ZigBee IP Transport Secure Service
udp 17756 ZigBee IP Transport Secure Service
17757-17776 Unassigned
tcp 17777 SolarWinds Orion
udp 17777 Reserved
17778-17999 Unassigned
tcp 18000 Beckman Instruments, Inc.
udp 18000 Beckman Instruments, Inc.
18001-18103 Unassigned
tcp 18104 RAD PDF Service
udp 18104 Reserved
18105-18135 Unassigned
tcp 18136 z/OS Resource Access Control Facility
udp 18136 Reserved
18137-18180 Unassigned
tcp 18181 OPSEC CVP
udp 18181 OPSEC CVP
tcp 18182 OPSEC UFP
udp 18182 OPSEC UFP
tcp 18183 OPSEC SAM
udp 18183 OPSEC SAM
tcp 18184 OPSEC LEA
udp 18184 OPSEC LEA
tcp 18185 OPSEC OMI
udp 18185 OPSEC OMI
tcp 18186 Occupational Health SC
udp 18186 Occupational Health Sc
tcp 18187 OPSEC ELA
udp 18187 OPSEC ELA
18188-18240 Unassigned
tcp 18241 Check Point RTM
udp 18241 Check Point RTM
tcp 18242 Checkpoint router monitoring
udp 18242 Reserved
tcp 18243 Checkpoint router state backup
udp 18243 Reserved
18244-18261 Unassigned
tcp 18262 GV NetConfig Service
udp 18262 GV NetConfig Service
18263-18462 Unassigned
tcp 18463 AC Cluster
udp 18463 AC Cluster
18464-18515 Unassigned
tcp 18516 Reserved
udp 18516 HeyThings Device communicate service
18517-18633 Unassigned
tcp 18634 Reliable Datagram Service
udp 18634 Reliable Datagram Service
tcp 18635 Reliable Datagram Service over IP
udp 18635 Reliable Datagram Service over IP
18636-18667 Unassigned
tcp 18668 Manufacturing Execution Systems Mesh Communication
udp 18668 Manufacturing Execution Systems Mesh Communication
18669-18768 Unassigned
tcp 18769 IQue Protocol
udp 18769 IQue Protocol
18770-18880 Unassigned
tcp 18881 Infotos
udp 18881 Infotos
18882-18887 Unassigned
tcp 18888 APCNECMP
udp 18888 APCNECMP
18889-18999 Unassigned
tcp 19000 iGrid Server
udp 19000 iGrid Server
19001-19006 Unassigned
tcp 19007 Scintilla protocol for device services
udp 19007 Scintilla protocol for device services
19008-19019 Unassigned
tcp 19020 J-Link TCP/IP Protocol
udp 19020 Reserved
19021-19190 Unassigned
tcp 19191 OPSEC UAA
udp 19191 OPSEC UAA
19192-19193 Unassigned
tcp 19194 UserAuthority SecureAgent
udp 19194 UserAuthority SecureAgent
19195-19219 Unassigned
tcp 19220 Client Connection Management and Data Exchange Service
udp 19220 Discovery for Client Connection Management and Data Exchange Service
19221-19282 Unassigned
tcp 19283 Key Server for SASSAFRAS
udp 19283 Key Server for SASSAFRAS
19284-19314 Unassigned
tcp 19315 Key Shadow for SASSAFRAS
udp 19315 Key Shadow for SASSAFRAS
19316-19397 Unassigned
tcp 19398 mtrgtrans
udp 19398 mtrgtrans
19399-19409 Unassigned
tcp 19410 hp-sco
udp 19410 hp-sco
tcp 19411 hp-sca
udp 19411 hp-sca
tcp 19412 HP-SESSMON
udp 19412 HP-SESSMON
19413-19538 Unassigned
tcp 19539 FXUPTP
udp 19539 FXUPTP
tcp 19540 SXUPTP
udp 19540 SXUPTP
tcp 19541 JCP Client
udp 19541 JCP Client
19542-19787 Unassigned
udp 19788 Mesh Link Establishment
tcp 19788 Reserved
19789 Unassigned
tcp 19790 FairCom Database
udp 19790 Reserved
19791-19997 Unassigned
tcp 19998 IEC 60870-5-104 process control - secure
udp 19998 Reserved
tcp 19999 Distributed Network Protocol - Secure
udp 19999 Distributed Network Protocol - Secure
sctp 19999 Distributed Network Protocol - secured
tcp 20000 DNP
udp 20000 DNP
sctp 20000 Distributed Network Protocol
tcp 20001 MicroSAN
udp 20001 MicroSAN
tcp 20002 Commtact HTTP
udp 20002 Commtact HTTP
tcp 20003 Commtact HTTPS
udp 20003 Commtact HTTPS
20004 Unassigned
tcp 20005 OpenWebNet protocol for electric network
udp 20005 OpenWebNet protocol for electric network
20006-20011 Unassigned
tcp 20012 Reserved
udp 20012 Samsung Interdevice Interaction discovery
tcp 20013 Samsung Interdevice Interaction
udp 20013 Reserved
tcp 20014 OpenDeploy Listener
udp 20014 OpenDeploy Listener
20015-20033 Unassigned
tcp 20034 System.Xml.XmlElement
tcp 20034 NetBurner ID Port
udp 20034 System.Xml.XmlElement
udp 20034 NetBurner ID Port
20035-20045 Unassigned
tcp 20046 TMOP HL7 Message Transfer Service
udp 20046 TMOP HL7 Message Transfer Service
20047-20047 Unassigned
tcp 20048 NFS mount protocol
udp 20048 NFS mount protocol
tcp 20049 Network File System (NFS) over RDMA
udp 20049 Network File System (NFS) over RDMA
sctp 20049 Network File System (NFS) over RDMA
20050-20056 Unassigned
tcp 20057 AvesTerra Hypergraph Transfer Protocol (HGTP)
udp 20057 Reserved
20058-20166 Unassigned
tcp 20167 TOLfab Data Change
udp 20167 TOLfab Data Change
20168-20201 Unassigned
tcp 20202 IPD Tunneling Port
udp 20202 IPD Tunneling Port
20203-20221 Unassigned
tcp 20222 iPulse-ICS
udp 20222 iPulse-ICS
20223-20479 Unassigned
tcp 20480 emWave Message Service
udp 20480 emWave Message Service
20481-20669 Unassigned
tcp 20670 Track
udp 20670 Track
20671-20809 Unassigned
tcp 20810 CRTech NLM
udp 20810 Reserved
20811-20998 Unassigned
tcp 20999 At Hand MMP
udp 20999 AT Hand MMP
tcp 21000 IRTrans Control
udp 21000 IRTrans Control
21001-21009 Unassigned
tcp 21010 Notezilla.Lan Server
udp 21010 Reserved
21011-21211 Unassigned
tcp 21212 Distributed artificial intelligence
udp 21212 Reserved
tcp 21213 Cohesity backup agents
udp 21213 Reserved
21214-21220 Unassigned
tcp 21221 Services for Air Server
udp 21221 Reserved
21222-21552 Unassigned
tcp 21553 Raima RDM TFS
udp 21553 Reserved
tcp 21554 MineScape Design File Server
udp 21554 MineScape Design File Server
21555-21589 Unassigned
tcp 21590 VoFR Gateway
udp 21590 VoFR Gateway
21591-21799 Unassigned
tcp 21800 TVNC Pro Multiplexing
udp 21800 TVNC Pro Multiplexing
tcp 21801 Safe AutoLogon
21802-21844 Unassigned
tcp 21845 webphone
udp 21845 webphone
tcp 21846 NetSpeak Corp. Directory Services
udp 21846 NetSpeak Corp. Directory Services
tcp 21847 NetSpeak Corp. Connection Services
udp 21847 NetSpeak Corp. Connection Services
tcp 21848 NetSpeak Corp. Automatic Call Distribution
udp 21848 NetSpeak Corp. Automatic Call Distribution
tcp 21849 NetSpeak Corp. Credit Processing System
udp 21849 NetSpeak Corp. Credit Processing System
21850-21999 Unassigned
tcp 22000 SNAPenetIO
udp 22000 SNAPenetIO
tcp 22001 OptoControl
udp 22001 OptoControl
tcp 22002 Opto Host Port 2
udp 22002 Opto Host Port 2
tcp 22003 Opto Host Port 3
udp 22003 Opto Host Port 3
tcp 22004 Opto Host Port 4
udp 22004 Opto Host Port 4
tcp 22005 Opto Host Port 5
udp 22005 Opto Host Port 5
22006-22124 Unassigned
tcp 22125 dCache Access Protocol
udp 22125 Reserved
22126-22127 Unassigned
tcp 22128 GSI dCache Access Protocol
udp 22128 Reserved
22129-22221 Unassigned
tcp 22222 EasyEngine is CLI tool to manage WordPress Sites on Nginx server
udp 22222 Reserved
22223-22272 Unassigned
tcp 22273 wnn6
udp 22273 wnn6
22274-22304 Unassigned
tcp 22305 CompactIS Tunnel
udp 22305 CompactIS Tunnel
22306-22332 Unassigned
tcp 22333 ShowCockpit Networking
udp 22333 ShowCockpit Networking
22334 Unassigned
tcp 22335 Initium Labs Security and Automation Control
udp 22335 Initium Labs Security and Automation Streaming
22336-22342 Unassigned
tcp 22343 CompactIS Secure Tunnel
udp 22343 CompactIS Secure Tunnel
22344-22346 Unassigned
tcp 22347 WibuKey Standard WkLan
udp 22347 WibuKey Standard WkLan
22348-22349 Unassigned
tcp 22350 CodeMeter Standard
udp 22350 CodeMeter Standard
tcp 22351 TPC/IP requests of copy protection software to a server
udp 22351 Reserved
22352-22536 Unassigned
tcp 22537 CaldSoft Backup server file transfer
udp 22537 Reserved
22538-22554 Unassigned
tcp 22555 Vocaltec Web Conference
udp 22555 Vocaltec Internet Phone
22556-22762 Unassigned
tcp 22763 Talika Main Server
udp 22763 Talika Main Server
22764-22799 Unassigned
tcp 22800 Telerate Information Platform LAN
udp 22800 Telerate Information Platform LAN
22801-22950 Unassigned
tcp 22951 Telerate Information Platform WAN
udp 22951 Telerate Information Platform WAN
22952-22999 Unassigned
tcp 23000 Inova LightLink Server Type 1
udp 23000 Inova LightLink Server Type 1
tcp 23001 Inova LightLink Server Type 2
udp 23001 Inova LightLink Server Type 2
tcp 23002 Inova LightLink Server Type 3
udp 23002 Inova LightLink Server Type 3
tcp 23003 Inova LightLink Server Type 4
udp 23003 Inova LightLink Server Type 4
tcp 23004 Inova LightLink Server Type 5
udp 23004 Inova LightLink Server Type 5
tcp 23005 Inova LightLink Server Type 6
udp 23005 Inova LightLink Server Type 6
23006-23052 Unassigned
tcp 23053 Generic Notification Transport Protocol
udp 23053 Reserved
23054-23271 Unassigned
tcp 23272 Reserved
udp 23272 S102 application
23273-23293 Unassigned
tcp 23294 5AFE SDN Directory
udp 23294 5AFE SDN Directory discovery
23295-23332 Unassigned
tcp 23333 Emulex HBAnyware Remote Management
udp 23333 Emulex HBAnyware Remote Management
23334-23399 Unassigned
tcp 23400 Novar Data
udp 23400 Novar Data
tcp 23401 Novar Alarm
udp 23401 Novar Alarm
tcp 23402 Novar Global
udp 23402 Novar Global
23403-23455 Unassigned
tcp 23456 Aequus Service
udp 23456 Reserved
tcp 23457 Aequus Service Mgmt
udp 23457 Reserved
23458-23545 Unassigned
tcp 23546 AreaGuard Neo - WebServer
udp 23546 Reserved
23547-23999 Unassigned
tcp 24000 med-ltp
udp 24000 med-ltp
tcp 24001 med-fsp-rx
udp 24001 med-fsp-rx
tcp 24002 med-fsp-tx
udp 24002 med-fsp-tx
tcp 24003 med-supp
udp 24003 med-supp
tcp 24004 med-ovw
udp 24004 med-ovw
tcp 24005 med-ci
udp 24005 med-ci
tcp 24006 med-net-svc
udp 24006 med-net-svc
24007-24241 Unassigned
tcp 24242 fileSphere
udp 24242 fileSphere
24243-24248 Unassigned
tcp 24249 Vista 4GL
udp 24249 Vista 4GL
24250-24320 Unassigned
tcp 24321 Isolv Local Directory
udp 24321 Isolv Local Directory
udp 24322 Transport of Human Interface Device data streams
tcp 24322 Reserved
tcp 24323 Verimag mobile class protocol over TCP
udp 24323 Reserved
24324-24385 Unassigned
tcp 24386 System.Xml.XmlElement
tcp 24386 Intel RCI
udp 24386 System.Xml.XmlElement
udp 24386 Intel RCI
24387-24464 Unassigned
tcp 24465 Tonido Domain Server
udp 24465 Tonido Domain Server
24466-24553 Unassigned
tcp 24554 BINKP
udp 24554 BINKP
24555-24576 Unassigned
tcp 24577 bilobit Service
udp 24577 bilobit Service Update
24578-24665 Unassigned
tcp 24666 Service used by SmarDTV to communicate between a CAM and a second screen application
udp 24666 Reserved
24667-24675 Unassigned
tcp 24676 Canditv Message Service
udp 24676 Canditv Message Service
tcp 24677 FlashFiler
udp 24677 FlashFiler
tcp 24678 Turbopower Proactivate
udp 24678 Turbopower Proactivate
24679 Unassigned
tcp 24680 TCC User HTTP Service
udp 24680 TCC User HTTP Service
24681-24726 Unassigned
24727 Unassigned
24728-24753 Unassigned
tcp 24754 Citrix StorageLink Gateway
udp 24754 Reserved
24755-24849 Unassigned
tcp 24850 Reserved
udp 24850 Device Association Discovery
24851-24921 Unassigned
tcp 24922 Find Identification of Network Devices
udp 24922 Find Identification of Network Devices
24923-24999 Unassigned
tcp 25000 icl-twobase1
udp 25000 icl-twobase1
tcp 25001 icl-twobase2
udp 25001 icl-twobase2
tcp 25002 icl-twobase3
udp 25002 icl-twobase3
tcp 25003 icl-twobase4
udp 25003 icl-twobase4
tcp 25004 icl-twobase5
udp 25004 icl-twobase5
tcp 25005 icl-twobase6
udp 25005 icl-twobase6
tcp 25006 icl-twobase7
udp 25006 icl-twobase7
tcp 25007 icl-twobase8
udp 25007 icl-twobase8
tcp 25008 icl-twobase9
udp 25008 icl-twobase9
tcp 25009 icl-twobase10
udp 25009 icl-twobase10
25010-25099 Unassigned
tcp 25100 IBM Db2 Client Interface - Encrypted
udp 25100 Reserved
25101-25470 Unassigned
sctp 25471 RNSAP User Adaptation for Iurh
25472-25575 Unassigned
tcp 25576 Sauter Dongle
udp 25576 Reserved
25577-25603 Unassigned
tcp 25604 Identifier Tracing Protocol
udp 25604 Reserved
25605-25792 Unassigned
tcp 25793 Vocaltec Address Server
udp 25793 Vocaltec Address Server
25794-25899 Unassigned
tcp 25900 TASP Network Comm
udp 25900 TASP Network Comm
tcp 25901 NIObserver
udp 25901 NIObserver
tcp 25902 NILinkAnalyst
udp 25902 NILinkAnalyst
tcp 25903 NIProbe
udp 25903 NIProbe
25904-25953 Unassigned
udp 25954 Bitfighter game server
tcp 25954 Reserved
udp 25955 Bitfighter master server
tcp 25955 Reserved
25956-25999 Unassigned
tcp 26000 quake
udp 26000 quake
26001-26132 Unassigned
tcp 26133 Symbolic Computation Software Composability Protocol
udp 26133 Symbolic Computation Software Composability Protocol
26134-26207 Unassigned
tcp 26208 wnn6-ds
udp 26208 wnn6-ds
26209-26256 Unassigned
tcp 26257 CockroachDB
udp 26257 Reserved
26258-26259 Unassigned
tcp 26260 eZproxy
udp 26260 eZproxy
tcp 26261 eZmeeting
udp 26261 eZmeeting
tcp 26262 K3 Software-Server
udp 26262 K3 Software-Server
tcp 26263 K3 Software-Client
udp 26263 K3 Software-Client
26264 De-registered
26265-26485 Unassigned
tcp 26486 EXOline-TCP
udp 26486 EXOline-UDP
tcp 26487 EXOconfig
udp 26487 EXOconfig
26488 Unassigned
tcp 26489 EXOnet
udp 26489 EXOnet
26490-26999 Unassigned
27000-27009 FLEX LM (1-10)
tcp 27010 A protocol for managing license services
udp 27010 Reserved
27011-27016 Unassigned
tcp 27017 Mongo database system
udp 27017 Reserved
27018-27344 Unassigned
tcp 27345 ImagePump
udp 27345 ImagePump
27346-27441 Unassigned
tcp 27442 Job controller service
udp 27442 Job controller service
27443-27503 Unassigned
tcp 27504 Kopek HTTP Head Port
udp 27504 Kopek HTTP Head Port
27505-27781 Unassigned
tcp 27782 ARS VISTA Application
udp 27782 ARS VISTA Application
27783-27875 Unassigned
tcp 27876 Astrolink Protocol
udp 27876 Reserved
27877-27998 Unassigned
tcp 27999 TW Authentication/Key Distribution and
udp 27999 Attribute Certificate Services
tcp 28000 NX License Manager
udp 28000 NX License Manager
tcp 28001 PQ Service
udp 28001 Reserved
28002-28009 Unassigned
tcp 28010 Gruber cash registry protocol
udp 28010 Reserved
28011-28079 Unassigned
tcp 28080 thor/server - ML engine
udp 28080 Reserved
28081-28118 Unassigned
tcp 28119 Reserved
udp 28119 A27 cdma2000 RAN Management
28120-28199 Unassigned
tcp 28200 VoxelStorm game server
udp 28200 VoxelStorm game server
28201-28239 Unassigned
tcp 28240 Siemens GSM
udp 28240 Siemens GSM
28241-28588 Unassigned
tcp 28589 Building operating system services wide area verified exchange
udp 28589 Reserved
28590-28999 Unassigned
tcp 29000 Siemens Licensing Server
udp 29000 Reserved
29001-29117 Unassigned
tcp 29118 Reserved
udp 29118 Reserved
sctp 29118 SGsAP in 3GPP
29119-29166 Unassigned
tcp 29167 ObTools Message Protocol
udp 29167 ObTools Message Protocol
tcp 29168 Reserved
udp 29168 Reserved
sctp 29168 SBcAP in 3GPP
sctp 29169 HNBAP and RUA Common Association
29170-29998 Unassigned
tcp 29999 data exchange protocol for IEC61850 in wind power plants
udp 29999 Reserved
tcp 30000 Secure Network Data Management Protocol
udp 30000 Reserved
tcp 30001 Pago Services 1
udp 30001 Pago Services 1
tcp 30002 Pago Services 2
udp 30002 Pago Services 2
tcp 30003 Amicon FPSU-IP Remote Administration
udp 30003 Amicon FPSU-IP Remote Administration
udp 30004 Amicon FPSU-IP VPN
tcp 30004 Reserved
30005-30099 Unassigned
tcp 30100 Remote Window Protocol
udp 30100 Reserved
sctp 30100 Remote Window Protocol
30101-30259 Unassigned
tcp 30260 Kingdoms Online (CraigAvenue)
udp 30260 Kingdoms Online (CraigAvenue)
30261-30399 Unassigned
tcp 30400 GroundStar RealTime System
udp 30400 Reserved
30401-30831 Unassigned
udp 30832 Samsung Convergence Discovery Protocol
tcp 30832 Reserved
30833-30998 Unassigned
tcp 30999 OpenView Service Desk Client
udp 30999 OpenView Service Desk Client
31000-31015 Unassigned
tcp 31016 Kollective Agent Secure Distributed Delivery Protocol
udp 31016 Kollective Agent Kollective Delivery Protocol
31017-31019 Unassigned
tcp 31020 Autotrac ACP 245
udp 31020 Reserved
31021-31028 Unassigned
tcp 31029 Reserved
udp 31029 YaWN - Yet Another Windows Notifier
31030-31336 Unassigned
tcp 31337 eldim is a secure file upload proxy
udp 31337 eldim is a secure file upload proxy
31338-31399 Unassigned
tcp 31400 PACE license server
udp 31400 Reserved
31401-31415 Unassigned
tcp 31416 XQoS network monitor
udp 31416 XQoS network monitor
31417-31456 Unassigned
tcp 31457 TetriNET Protocol
udp 31457 TetriNET Protocol
31458-31619 Unassigned
tcp 31620 lm mon
udp 31620 lm mon
31621-31684 Unassigned
tcp 31685 System.Xml.XmlElement
tcp 31685 DS Expert Monitor
udp 31685 Reserved
31686-31764 Unassigned
tcp 31765 GameSmith Port
udp 31765 GameSmith Port
31766-31947 Unassigned
tcp 31948 System.Xml.XmlElement
tcp 31948 Embedded Device Configuration Protocol TX
udp 31948 System.Xml.XmlElement
udp 31948 Embedded Device Configuration Protocol TX
tcp 31949 System.Xml.XmlElement
tcp 31949 Embedded Device Configuration Protocol RX
udp 31949 System.Xml.XmlElement
udp 31949 Embedded Device Configuration Protocol RX
31950-32033 Unassigned
tcp 32034 iRacing helper service
udp 32034 iRacing helper service
32035-32248 Unassigned
tcp 32249 T1 Distributed Processor
udp 32249 T1 Distributed Processor
32250-32399 Unassigned
tcp 32400 Plex multimedia
udp 32400 Reserved
32401-32482 Unassigned
tcp 32483 Access Point Manager Link
udp 32483 Access Point Manager Link
32484-32634 Unassigned
tcp 32635 SecureNotebook-CLNT
udp 32635 SecureNotebook-CLNT
tcp 32636 DMExpress
udp 32636 DMExpress
32637-32766 Unassigned
tcp 32767 FileNet BPM WS-ReliableMessaging Client
udp 32767 FileNet BPM WS-ReliableMessaging Client
tcp 32768 Filenet TMS
udp 32768 Filenet TMS
tcp 32769 Filenet RPC
udp 32769 Filenet RPC
tcp 32770 Filenet NCH
udp 32770 Filenet NCH
tcp 32771 FileNET RMI
udp 32771 FileNet RMI
tcp 32772 FileNET Process Analyzer
udp 32772 FileNET Process Analyzer
tcp 32773 FileNET Component Manager
udp 32773 FileNET Component Manager
tcp 32774 FileNET Rules Engine
udp 32774 FileNET Rules Engine
tcp 32775 Performance Clearinghouse
udp 32775 Performance Clearinghouse
tcp 32776 FileNET BPM IOR
udp 32776 FileNET BPM IOR
tcp 32777 FileNet BPM CORBA
udp 32777 FileNet BPM CORBA
32778-32800 Unassigned
tcp 32801 Multiple Listing Service Network
udp 32801 Multiple Listing Service Network
32802-32810 Unassigned
tcp 32811 Real Estate Transport Protocol
udp 32811 Reserved
32812-32895 Unassigned
tcp 32896 Attachmate ID Manager
udp 32896 Attachmate ID Manager
32897-32999 Unassigned
tcp 33000 WatchGuard Endpoint Communications
udp 33000 Reserved
33001-33059 Unassigned
tcp 33060 MySQL Database Extended Interface
udp 33060 Reserved
33061-33122 Unassigned
tcp 33123 Aurora (Balaena Ltd)
udp 33123 Aurora (Balaena Ltd)
33124-33330 Unassigned
tcp 33331 DiamondCentral Interface
udp 33331 DiamondCentral Interface
33332 Unassigned
tcp 33333 Digital Gaslight Service
udp 33333 Reserved
tcp 33334 SpeedTrace TraceAgent
udp 33334 SpeedTrace TraceAgent Discovery
33335-33433 Unassigned
tcp 33434 traceroute use
udp 33434 traceroute use
tcp 33435 Reserved
udp 33435 IP Multicast Traceroute
33436-33655 Unassigned
tcp 33656 SNIP Slave
udp 33656 SNIP Slave
33657-33889 Unassigned
tcp 33890 Adept IP protocol
udp 33890 Reserved
33891-34248 Unassigned
tcp 34249 TurboNote Relay Server Default Port
udp 34249 TurboNote Relay Server Default Port
34250-34377 Unassigned
tcp 34378 P-Net on IP local
udp 34378 P-Net on IP local
tcp 34379 P-Net on IP remote
udp 34379 P-Net on IP remote
34380-34566 Unassigned
tcp 34567 dhanalakshmi.org EDI Service
udp 34567 dhanalakshmi.org EDI Service
34568-34961 Unassigned
tcp 34962 PROFInet RT Unicast
udp 34962 PROFInet RT Unicast
tcp 34963 PROFInet RT Multicast
udp 34963 PROFInet RT Multicast
tcp 34964 PROFInet Context Manager
udp 34964 PROFInet Context Manager
34965-34979 Unassigned
tcp 34980 EtherCAT Port
udp 34980 EtherCAT Port
34981-34999 Unassigned
tcp 35000 HeathView
udp 35000 Reserved
tcp 35001 ReadyTech Viewer
udp 35001 ReadyTech Viewer
tcp 35002 ReadyTech Sound Server
udp 35002 Reserved
tcp 35003 ReadyTech DeviceMapper Server
udp 35003 Reserved
tcp 35004 ReadyTech ClassManager
udp 35004 ReadyTech ClassManager
tcp 35005 ReadyTech LabTracker
udp 35005 Reserved
tcp 35006 ReadyTech Helper Service
udp 35006 Reserved
35007-35099 Unassigned
tcp 35100 Axiomatic discovery protocol
udp 35100 Axiomatic discovery protocol
35101-35353 Unassigned
tcp 35354 KIT Messenger
udp 35354 Reserved
tcp 35355 Altova License Management
udp 35355 Altova License Management Discovery
tcp 35356 Gutters Note Exchange
udp 35356 Reserved
tcp 35357 OpenStack ID Service
udp 35357 Reserved
35358-36000 Unassigned
tcp 36001 AllPeers Network
udp 36001 AllPeers Network
36002-36410 Unassigned
udp 36411 Wireless LAN Control plane Protocol (WLCP)
tcp 36411 Reserved
tcp 36412 Reserved
udp 36412 Reserved
sctp 36412 S1-Control Plane (3GPP)
36413-36421 Unassigned
tcp 36422 Reserved
udp 36422 Reserved
sctp 36422 X2-Control Plane (3GPP)
sctp 36423 SLm Interface Application Protocol
sctp 36424 Nq and Nq' Application Protocol
36425-36442 Unassigned
sctp 36443 M2 Application Part
sctp 36444 M3 Application Part
36445-36461 Unassigned
tcp 36462 Reserved
udp 36462 Reserved
sctp 36462 Xw-Control Plane (3GPP)
36463-36523 Unassigned
tcp 36524 Febooti Automation Workshop
udp 36524 Reserved
36525-36601 Unassigned
tcp 36602 Observium statistics collection agent
udp 36602 Reserved
36603-36699 Unassigned
tcp 36700 MapX communication
udp 36700 Reserved
36701-36864 Unassigned
tcp 36865 KastenX Pipe
udp 36865 KastenX Pipe
36866-37471 Unassigned
tcp 37472 Reserved
udp 37472 Reserved
sctp 37472 W1 signalling transport
37473-37474 Unassigned
tcp 37475 science + computing's Venus Administration Port
udp 37475 science + computing's Venus Administration Port
37476-37482 Unassigned
tcp 37483 Google Drive Sync
udp 37483 Reserved
37484-37600 Unassigned
tcp 37601 Epipole File Transfer Protocol
udp 37601 Reserved
37602-37653 Unassigned
tcp 37654 Unisys ClearPath ePortal
udp 37654 Unisys ClearPath ePortal
37655-37999 Unassigned
tcp 38000 InfoVista Server Database
udp 38000 Reserved
tcp 38001 InfoVista Server Insertion
udp 38001 Reserved
tcp 38002 Cresco Controller
udp 38002 Cresco Controller Discovery
38003-38200 Unassigned
tcp 38201 Galaxy7 Data Tunnel
udp 38201 Galaxy7 Data Tunnel
tcp 38202 Fairview Message Service
udp 38202 Fairview Message Service
tcp 38203 AppGate Policy Server
udp 38203 AppGate Policy Server
38204-38411 Unassigned
tcp 38412 Reserved
udp 38412 Reserved
sctp 38412 NG Control Plane (3GPP)
38413-38421 Unassigned
tcp 38422 Reserved
udp 38422 Reserved
sctp 38422 Xn Control Plane (3GPP)
38423-38461 Unassigned
tcp 38462 Reserved
udp 38462 Reserved
sctp 38462 E1 signalling transport (3GPP)
38463-38471 Unassigned
tcp 38472 Reserved
udp 38472 Reserved
sctp 38472 F1 Control Plane (3GPP)
38473-38637 Unassigned
tcp 38638 Premier SQL Middleware Server
udp 38638 Reserved
38639-38799 Unassigned
tcp 38800 Sruth is a service for the distribution of routinely- generated but arbitrary files based on a publish/subscribe distribution model and implemented using a peer-to-peer transport mechanism
udp 38800 Reserved
38801-38864 Unassigned
tcp 38865 Security approval process for use of the secRMM SafeCopy program
udp 38865 Reserved
38866-39062 Unassigned
tcp 39063 Children's hearing test/Telemedicine
udp 39063 Reserved
39064-39680 Unassigned
tcp 39681 TurboNote Default Port
udp 39681 TurboNote Default Port
39682-39999 Unassigned
tcp 40000 SafetyNET p
udp 40000 SafetyNET p
40001-40022 Unassigned
tcp 40023 Reserved
udp 40023 K-PatentsSensorInformation
40024-40403 Unassigned
tcp 40404 Simplify Printing TX
udp 40404 Reserved
40405-40840 Unassigned
tcp 40841 CSCP
udp 40841 CSCP
tcp 40842 CSCCREDIR
udp 40842 CSCCREDIR
40844-40852 Unassigned
tcp 40853 Reserved
udp 40853 ORTEC Service Discovery
40854-41110 Unassigned
tcp 41111 Foursticks QoS Protocol
udp 41111 Foursticks QoS Protocol
41112-41120 Unassigned
tcp 41121 Tentacle Server
udp 41121 Reserved
41122-41229 Unassigned
tcp 41230 Z-Wave Protocol over SSL/TLS
udp 41230 Z-Wave Protocol over DTLS
41231-41793 Unassigned
tcp 41794 Crestron Control Port
udp 41794 Crestron Control Port
tcp 41795 Crestron Terminal Port
udp 41795 Crestron Terminal Port
tcp 41796 Crestron Secure Control Port
udp 41796 Reserved
tcp 41797 Crestron Secure Terminal Port
udp 41797 Reserved
41798-42507 Unassigned
tcp 42508 Computer Associates network discovery protocol
udp 42508 Computer Associates network discovery protocol
tcp 42509 CA discovery response
udp 42509 CA discovery response
tcp 42510 CA eTrust RPC
udp 42510 CA eTrust RPC
42511-42998 Unassigned
tcp 42999 API endpoint for search application
udp 42999 Reserved
tcp 43000 Receiver Remote Control
udp 43000 Receiver Remote Control Discovery
43001-43187 Unassigned
tcp 43188 REACHOUT
udp 43188 REACHOUT
tcp 43189 NDM-AGENT-PORT
udp 43189 NDM-AGENT-PORT
tcp 43190 IP-PROVISION
udp 43190 IP-PROVISION
tcp 43191 Reconnoiter Agent Data Transport
udp 43191 Reserved
43192-43209 Unassigned
tcp 43210 Shaper Automation Server Management
udp 43210 Shaper Automation Server Management Discovery
43211-43437 Unassigned
tcp 43438 Reserved
udp 43438 HmIP LAN Routing
tcp 43439 EQ3 firmware update
udp 43439 EQ3 discovery and configuration
tcp 43440 Cisco EnergyWise Management
udp 43440 Cisco EnergyWise Discovery and Command Flooding
tcp 43441 Cisco NetMgmt DB Ports
udp 43441 Cisco NetMgmt DB Ports
43442-44122 Unassigned
tcp 44123 Z-Wave Secure Tunnel
udp 44123 Reserved
44124-44320 Unassigned
tcp 44321 PCP server (pmcd)
udp 44321 PCP server (pmcd)
tcp 44322 PCP server (pmcd) proxy
udp 44322 PCP server (pmcd) proxy
tcp 44323 HTTP binding for Performance Co-Pilot client API
udp 44323 Unassigned
44324-44443 Unassigned
tcp 44444 Cognex DataMan Management Protocol
udp 44444 Reserved
tcp 44445 Acronis Backup Gateway service port
udp 44445 Reserved
44446-44543 Unassigned
tcp 44544 Reserved
udp 44544 DOMIQ Building Automation
44545-44552 Unassigned
tcp 44553 REALbasic Remote Debug
udp 44553 REALbasic Remote Debug
44554-44599 Unassigned
tcp 44600 Reserved
udp 44600 AudioScience HPI
44601-44817 Unassigned
tcp 44818 System.Xml.XmlElement
tcp 44818 EtherNet/IP messaging
udp 44818 System.Xml.XmlElement
udp 44818 EtherNet/IP messaging
44819-44899 Unassigned
tcp 44900 M3DA is used for efficient machine-to-machine communications
udp 44900 M3DA Discovery is used for efficient machine-to-machine communications
44901-44999 Unassigned
tcp 45000 Nuance AutoStore Status Monitoring Protocol (data transfer)
udp 45000 Nuance AutoStore Status Monitoring Protocol (device monitoring)
tcp 45001 Nuance AutoStore Status Monitoring Protocol (secure data transfer)
udp 45001 Reserved
tcp 45002 Redspeed Status Monitor
udp 45002 Reserved
45003-45044 Unassigned
tcp 45045 Remote application control protocol
udp 45045 Reserved
45046-45053 Unassigned
tcp 45054 InVision AG
udp 45054 InVision AG
45055-45513 Unassigned
tcp 45514 ASSIA CloudCheck WiFi Management System
udp 45514 ASSIA CloudCheck WiFi Management keepalive
45515-45677 Unassigned
tcp 45678 EBA PRISE
udp 45678 EBA PRISE
45679-45823 Unassigned
tcp 45824 Server for the DAI family of client-server products
udp 45824 Reserved
tcp 45825 Qpuncture Data Access Service
udp 45825 Qpuncture Data Access Service
45826-45965 Unassigned
tcp 45966 SSRServerMgr
udp 45966 SSRServerMgr
45967-46335 Unassigned
tcp 46336 Listen port used for Inedo agent communication
udp 46336 Reserved
46337-46997 Unassigned
tcp 46998 Connection between a desktop computer or server and a signature tablet to capture handwritten signatures
udp 46998 Reserved
tcp 46999 MediaBox Server
udp 46999 MediaBox Server
tcp 47000 Message Bus
udp 47000 Message Bus
tcp 47001 Windows Remote Management Service
udp 47001 Reserved
47002-47099 Unassigned
udp 47100 Configuration of motors connected to Industrial Ethernet
tcp 47100 Reserved
47101-47556 Unassigned
tcp 47557 Databeam Corporation
udp 47557 Databeam Corporation
47558-47623 Unassigned
tcp 47624 Direct Play Server
udp 47624 Direct Play Server
47625-47805 Unassigned
tcp 47806 ALC Protocol
udp 47806 ALC Protocol
47807 Unassigned
tcp 47808 Building Automation and Control Networks
udp 47808 Building Automation and Control Networks
udp 47809 PreSonus Universal Control Network Protocol
tcp 47809 Reserved
47810-47999 Unassigned
tcp 48000 Nimbus Controller
udp 48000 Nimbus Controller
tcp 48001 Nimbus Spooler
udp 48001 Nimbus Spooler
tcp 48002 Nimbus Hub
udp 48002 Nimbus Hub
tcp 48003 Nimbus Gateway
udp 48003 Nimbus Gateway
tcp 48004 NimbusDB Connector
udp 48004 Reserved
tcp 48005 NimbusDB Control
udp 48005 Reserved
48006-48047 Unassigned
tcp 48048 Juliar Programming Language Protocol
udp 48048 Reserved
tcp 48049 3GPP Cell Broadcast Service Protocol
udp 48049 Reserved
tcp 48050 WeFi Access Network Discovery and Selection Function
udp 48050 Reserved
48051-48127 Unassigned
tcp 48128 Image Systems Network Services
udp 48128 Image Systems Network Services
tcp 48129 Bloomberg locator
udp 48129 Bloomberg locator
48130-48555 Unassigned
tcp 48556 com-bardac-dw
udp 48556 com-bardac-dw
48557-48618 Unassigned
tcp 48619 iqobject
udp 48619 iqobject
48620-48652 Unassigned
tcp 48653 Robot Raconteur transport
udp 48653 Robot Raconteur transport
48654-48999 Unassigned
tcp 49000 Matahari Broker
udp 49000 Reserved
tcp 49001 Nuance Unity Service Request Protocol
udp 49001 Nuance Unity Service Discovery Protocol
49002-49149 Unassigned
tcp 49150 InSpider System
udp 49150 Reserved
49151 IANA Reserved



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